尼日利亚修正了《警察法》,在对维持治安稳定性的争论中,为警察协会规定固定的四年任期。 Nigeria amends Police Act to set fixed four-year terms for IGP, amid debates over policing stability.
在尼日利亚,警察总监(IGP)的任期已成为一个有争议的问题,许多人认为频繁的变动和短期任期妨碍了有效的警务工作。 In Nigeria, the tenure of the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) has become a contentious issue, with many arguing that frequent changes and short tenures hinder effective policing. 最近,国民议会修正了《警察法》,以确保独立警察联盟的固定四年任期,以稳定警察部队。 Recently, the National Assembly amended the Police Act to secure a fixed four-year term for the IGP, aiming to stabilize the force. 同时, 一些活动人士声称, 现任的IGP是非法的, 助长了公众对IGP的作用和任命 的不满与辩论。 Meanwhile, some activists claim the current IGP is unlawfully in office, contributing to public discontent and debates over the role and appointment of the IGP.