Ransomware集团RansomEXX针对300多家印度银行,主要影响C-Edge技术,造成自动取款机中断。 Ransomware group RansomEXX targeted over 300 Indian banks, primarily affecting C-Edge Technologies and causing ATM disruptions.
RansomEXX是一个臭名昭著的赎金软件集团,针对300多家印度小银行,干扰自动取款机的使用和在线付款。 RansomEXX, a notorious ransomware group, targeted over 300 small Indian banks, disrupting ATM usage and online payments. C-Edge Technologies是Tata咨询服务公司与印度国家银行之间的一个合资企业,主要由于Jenkins服务器结构错误,其脆弱性受到影响。 C-Edge Technologies, a joint venture between Tata Consultancy Services and State Bank of India, was primarily affected through a vulnerability in a misconfigured Jenkins server. 赎金软件袭击还影响到Brontoo技术解决方案公司,该公司是C-Edge公司的重要合作者。 The ransomware attack also affected Brontoo Technology Solutions, a significant collaborator with C-Edge. 印度国家支付公司暂时将C-Edge技术与其零售支付系统隔绝,以防止产生更广泛的影响,并正在进行审计,以防止袭击进一步蔓延。 The National Payments Corporation of India temporarily isolated C-Edge Technologies from its retail payments system to prevent wider impact, and an audit is being conducted to prevent further spread of the attack.