卡塔尔博物馆的动画民俗系列“Hazawy”在2024年碰撞奖获得3个奖项。 Qatar Museums' animated folktale series 'Hazawy' wins 3 awards at Collision Awards 2024.
卡塔尔博物馆(QM)动画民俗系列“Hazawy”在2024年碰撞奖中赢得三个奖项:一个观众选择奖和两个银奖,“非营利”和“艺术和文化”类各一个。 Qatar Museums' (QM) animated folktale series, 'Hazawy', wins three awards at Collision Awards 2024: an Audience Choice Award and two Silver Awards, one each in the "non-profit" and "Arts & Culture" categories. 卡塔尔民间传说通过动画和讲故事将卡塔尔民俗带入生活。 The series, produced by QM's Digital Production team, brings Qatari folklore to life through animation and storytelling. “Hazawy”以阿拉伯文提供, QM网站和YouTube频道有英文字幕。 'Hazawy' is available in Arabic with English subtitles on the QM website and YouTube channel.