一辆行人在TN克拉克斯维尔普罗维登斯大道被一辆车辆击中,造成交通堵塞。 A pedestrian was hit by a vehicle on Providence Boulevard in Clarksville, TN, causing traffic congestion.
一辆行人在克拉克斯维尔普罗维登斯大道上被一辆汽车击中,在 Wed 下午被TN击中,造成普罗维登斯和B街交叉路口交通堵塞。 A pedestrian was hit by a vehicle on Providence Boulevard in Clarksville, TN on Wed afternoon, causing traffic congestion at the intersection of Providence and B Street. 克拉克斯维尔警察局于下午4时44分回复, 一条南行道开着,行人状况不明。 Clarksville Police Department responded at 4:44 pm, with one southbound lane open and the pedestrian's condition unknown. 建议机动车手避开这个区域。 Motorists are advised to avoid the area.