新西兰警方警告冒充警察的骗子,以弱势个人为目标。 New Zealand police warn of scammers impersonating officers, targeting vulnerable individuals.
新西兰警方警告冒充警察的骗子,针对弱势和老年人。 New Zealand police warn of scammers impersonating officers, targeting vulnerable and elderly individuals. 他们声称受害人被骗、要求财务信息或以“证据”取款。 They claim victims have been scammed, request financial information, or make them withdraw money as "evidence". 警方提醒警方,他们从不要求银行细节、密码或密码,并敦促保持警惕。 Police remind that they never ask for banking details, PINs or passwords, and urge vigilance. 通过NetSafe网站报告任何可疑活动,并教育自己提高对欺诈行为的认识。 Report any suspicious activity and educate yourself on scam awareness through the NetSafe website.