纽约州政府推出「超越运河无障碍方案」, 让残疾人更容易进入Erie运河。 New York state launches "Beyond the Canals Accessibility Program" to make Erie Canal more accessible for people with disabilities.
纽约州正与包括罗切斯特无障碍冒险协会在内的地方组织和非营利组织合作,使Erie运河更加方便残疾人使用。 New York state is working with local organizations and nonprofits, including Rochester Accessible Adventures, to make the Erie Canal more accessible for people with disabilities. “运河后无障碍方案”将为运河沿线的企业和组织提供无障碍船舶发射、皮划艇设备、导游、培训和资源等包容性机会。 The "Beyond the Canals Accessibility Program" will provide inclusive opportunities like accessible boat launches, kayaking equipment, and guided tours, as well as training and resources for businesses and organizations along the canal. 该倡议旨在使Erie运河成为对当地残疾人和旅游残疾人更具包容性的空间,同时扩大沿水道的娱乐机会。 The initiative aims to make the Erie Canal a more inclusive space for both locals and tourists with disabilities, while also expanding recreational opportunities along the waterway.