斋浦尔的暴雨淹没了一个地下室,造成3人溺水;怀疑是非法建筑。 Heavy rain in Jaipur flooded a basement, causing three drownings; illegal construction is suspected.
在斋浦尔,大雨导致房屋地下室洪水泛滥,造成包括一名儿童在内的三人不幸溺水。 In Jaipur, heavy rain led to a house basement flooding, causing the unfortunate drowning of three people, including a child. 非法建筑被怀疑是原因。 Illegal construction is suspected to be the cause. 斋浦尔收到了155.6毫米的雨水,附近其他地区的情况类似。 Jaipur received 155.6mm of rain, and other nearby areas experienced similar levels. 事件发生后,Prakash Rajpurohit区收集员访问了受影响地区,并指示市政公司取水。 Following the incident, District Collector Prakash Rajpurohit visited the affected areas and instructed the Municipal Corporation to remove water. 当地学校于星期四宣布假日。 Schools in the area declared a holiday on Thursday.