Rajnath Singh国防部长赞扬AFHQ文职部门,强调其在军事支助和赞扬AFHQ日方面的关键作用。 Defence Minister Rajnath Singh lauds AFHQ Civilian Services, emphasizing their crucial role in military support and praising AFHQ Day.
Rajnath Singh国防部长赞扬AFHQ文职人员部门的奉献精神,强调他们作为武装部队和文职政府之间的联系所起的关键作用。 Defence Minister Rajnath Singh praises AFHQ Civilian Services for their dedication, highlighting their crucial role as a link between the Armed Forces and the civilian government. 他强调,需要提高效率和更好的职业进展,以提高他们的能力和对军队的支持。 He emphasizes the need for enhanced efficiency and better career progression to improve their capabilities and support for the military. Singh庆祝AFHQ日, Singh celebrates AFHQ Day, which recognizes personnel working alongside service members in key defense organizations.