36 岁的法戈男子彼得·奥克斯纳 (Peter Ochsner) 因酒后驾驶和撞车罪被捕,他的车撞上护栏后起火。 36-year-old Fargo man, Peter Ochsner, arrested for DUI and Duty upon Striking after crashing into a guard rail, causing his car to catch fire.
7 月 29 日,36 岁的法戈男子彼得·奥克斯纳 (Peter Ochsner) 在北法戈撞上护栏后,因酒后驾驶和违章驾驶被捕。 36-year-old Fargo man, Peter Ochsner, was arrested on July 29 for DUI and Duty upon Striking after crashing into a guard rail in North Fargo. 事件于凌晨 1 点发生在第 45 街和北第三大道的地下通道附近。 The incident occurred at 1 a.m. near the underpass of 45th Street and Third Avenue North. 奥克斯纳受伤后接受了治疗,没有生命危险,但在急救人员到达之前,他的汽车起火了。 Ochsner was treated for non-life-threatening injuries and his car caught fire before emergency responders arrived. 没有其他人或车辆卷入此次事故。 No other people or vehicles were involved in the crash.