23 岁的 Jade Mayse 因酒驾和驾照被吊销而被捕,在 94 号州际公路上造成两车翻车事故,造成四人受伤。 23-year-old Jade Mayse, arrested for DUI and driving with a suspended license, caused a two-car rollover crash on I-94, injuring four.
23 岁的法戈女子 Jade Mayse 在 94 号州际公路上造成两车翻车事故,造成四人受伤,随后因酒驾和驾照被吊销而被捕。 23-year-old Jade Mayse, a Fargo woman, was arrested for DUI and driving with a suspended license after causing a two-car rollover crash on I-94, injuring four people. 梅斯追尾了蒂奥莎·达登驾驶的一辆 SUV,导致 SUV 撞向中间隔离带并着地。 Mayse rear-ended an SUV driven by Tiosha Darden, causing the SUV to roll into the median and land on its roof. 四名重伤者均被送往法戈医院。 All four seriously injured individuals were taken to Fargo hospitals.