SK海力士计划于2024年第三季度量产GDDR7内存,速度提高60%,功率效率提高50%。 SK hynix plans to mass produce GDDR7 memory in Q3 2024, offering 60% speed improvement and 50% higher power efficiency.
总部位于首尔的全球第二大内存芯片制造商 SK 海力士宣布,将于 2024 年第三季度开始量产其下一代 GDDR7 内存。 Seoul-based SK hynix, the world's second-largest memory chipmaker, announced it will commence mass production of its next-generation GDDR7 memory in Q3 2024. GDDR7 速度提高了 60%,功率效率提高了 50%,运行速度达到每秒 32 千兆位。 The GDDR7 offers a 60% improvement in speed, 50% higher power efficiency, and an operating speed of 32 gigabits per second. SK 海力士预计 GDDR7 将在各种应用中得到更广泛的应用,包括高规格 3D 图形、AI、高性能计算和自动驾驶汽车。 SK hynix anticipates the wider adoption of GDDR7 in various applications, including high-specification 3D graphics, AI, high-performance computing, and autonomous vehicles.