一对夫妇抱怨租住的房子里有霉菌,丈夫因接触霉菌而截肢。 Couple complains of mold in rental home, husband amputated leg after mold exposure.
夫妇俩抱怨格威内特出租屋里几个月来一直发霉,丈夫因接触霉菌而截肢:塔拉和阿尔文·安德森说,他们抱怨由 Invitation Homes 管理的 Sugar Hill 出租屋出现水损坏和霉菌滋生。 Couple complains of mold in Gwinnett rental home for months, husband has leg amputated after mold exposure: Tara and Alvin Anderson say they've complained about water damage and mold growth in their Sugar Hill rental home, managed by Invitation Homes. 他们付费进行了私人霉菌测试,结果显示霉菌含量很高。 They paid for a private mold test, which revealed high levels of mold. 安德森认为他长期接触霉菌导致了细菌感染,最终导致腿部截肢。 Anderson believes his prolonged exposure to mold led to a bacterial infection, resulting in a leg amputation.