泰米尔电影制片人委员会暂停新的电影项目,直至 8 月 16 日,以清理积压的电影,并因成本上涨从 11 月 1 日起暂停所有电影活动。 Tamil Film Producers Council halts new film projects until Aug 16 to clear backlogs, suspends all film activities from Nov 1 due to rising costs.
泰米尔电影制片人委员会 (TFPC) 暂停新电影项目直至 8 月 16 日,以清理积压工作,并因制作成本上升而从 11 月 1 日起暂停所有电影活动。 Tamil Film Producers Council (TFPC) halts new film projects until Aug 16 to clear backlogs, suspends all film activities from Nov 1 due to rising production costs. 新规定包括演员和技术人员必须完成正在进行的项目才能继续工作,明星的电影必须在影院上映八周后才能在 OTT 平台上映。 New guidelines include actors and technicians completing ongoing projects before moving on, and leading stars' films being released on OTT platforms eight weeks after theatrical release. 成立联合行动委员会来应对行业挑战。 A Joint Action Committee is formed to address industry challenges.