乍得最大的在线新闻平台 Tchadinfos.com 因拒绝删除有关前总统顾问阿巴卡尔·马纳尼的文章而被暂停服务。 Chad's largest online news platform, Tchadinfos.com, was suspended due to refusing to remove articles about former Presidential adviser, Abakar Manany.
乍得最大的在线新闻平台 Tchadinfos.com 自周五起被暂停服务,原因是该网站拒绝删除有关乍得总统前顾问阿巴卡尔·马纳尼的文章。 Chad's largest online news platform, Tchadinfos.com, has been suspended since Friday, following the website's refusal to remove articles about former adviser to the Chadian President, Abakar Manany. 乍得网络媒体组织谴责该事件是“对新闻自由和信息自由的严重攻击”,并呼吁对马纳尼及其潜在同伙进行独立调查。 The Organization for Online Media in Chad denounced the incident as a "serious attack on press freedom and the freedom to inform," calling for an independent investigation into Manany and his potential accomplices.