22 岁女性在香槟停车场派对上遭枪击;枪手身份不明,受害者情况稳定。 22-year-old women shot at Champaign parking lot party; unknown shooter, victims stable.
两名女子在香槟市清晨停车场聚会时遭到枪击。 2 women were shot in an early-morning parking lot party in Champaign. 两名受害者均为 22 岁,已被送往医院,目前情况稳定。 Both victims, aged 22, were taken to a hospital and are in stable condition. 枪手身份仍不清楚,当局正在调查此事。 The shooter remains unknown, and authorities are investigating the incident. 香槟警方鼓励任何了解情况的人拨打 217-351-4545 或香槟县制止犯罪热线 217-373-TIPS。 Champaign Police encourage anyone with information to call 217-351-4545 or Champaign County Crimestoppers at 217-373-TIPS.