来自英国普利茅斯的 3 岁女孩 Clara Gilley 患有脊柱肿瘤,需要 100 英镑通过众筹进行家庭改造。 3-year-old Clara Gilley from Plymouth, UK, with spinal tumor, needs £100K for home adaptations via crowdfunding.
来自联合王国普利茅斯的三岁的Clara Gilley因脊髓瘤瘫痪,正在布里斯托尔皇家儿童医院接受治疗。 Three-year-old Clara Gilley from Plymouth, UK, is paralyzed due to a spinal tumor and is receiving treatment at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. 她的预测不确定;她可能无法重新使用自己的手臂或再次走路。 Her prognosis is uncertain; she may not regain the use of her arms or walk again. Clara 的父母 Alana 和 Matt Gilley 需要为她找到一个新的、方便的家,并发起了一项 Crowdfunder 活动,为必要的改造筹集 100,000 英镑,因为他们正在努力获得负担得起的抵押贷款。 Clara's parents, Alana and Matt Gilley, need to find a new, accessible home for her and have launched a Crowdfunder campaign to raise £100,000 for the necessary adaptations, as they struggle to secure an affordable mortgage.