格林菲尔德的寄宿家庭在为期两个月的赛季中与山谷蓝袜队的球员建立了终生的联系。 Host families in Greenfield form lifelong connections with Valley Blue Sox players during their two-month season.
格林菲尔德的寄宿家庭与新英格兰大学棒球联盟的山谷蓝袜队球员建立了终生联系,这些球员在为期两个月的赛季期间与他们住在一起。 Host families in Greenfield have forged lifelong connections with Valley Blue Sox players from the New England College Baseball League, who stay with them during their two-month season. 蓝袜队的球员都是来自美国各地的大学生运动员,他们感谢寄宿家庭在他们追寻大联盟梦想过程中给予的支持。 The Blue Sox players, college athletes from across the US, appreciate the host families' support in their pursuit of major league dreams. 周日,球队的常规赛以一场向寄宿家庭致敬的庆祝活动而结束。 On Sunday, the team's regular season concludes with a celebration honoring host families.