棒球爱好者菲利普·沃尔夫因健康原因连续第二年错过开幕日。 Philip Wolf, a baseball enthusiast, misses Opening Day for the second year due to health reasons.
棒球爱好者菲利普·沃尔夫 (Philip Wolf) 分享了他因健康原因连续第二年错过美国职业棒球大联盟开幕日的失望之情。 Philip Wolf, a baseball lover, shares his disappointment in missing Opening Day at Major League Baseball for the second year due to health reasons. 作为一名前球员、教练和年轻球员的父母,他回忆起与棒球相关的最美好的气味、声音和记忆。 As a former player, coach, and parent to young players, he reminisces on the best smells, sounds, and memories associated with baseball. 他邀请读者分享他们作为球员、教练或父母时最喜欢的棒球回忆。 He invites readers to share their own favorite baseball memories as players, coaches, or parents.