28 岁的琳达·劳森 (Lynda Lawson) 因 7 个月大的儿子在无人看管的浴缸中溺亡,被南卡罗来纳州格林维尔县指控虐待儿童致死。 28-year-old Lynda Lawson charged with homicide by child abuse in Greenville County, SC, after 7-month-old son drowns in unattended bathtub.
28 岁的母亲琳达·劳森 (Lynda Lawson) 因 7 个月大的儿子在无人看管的浴缸中溺亡,被指控在南卡罗来纳州格林维尔县虐待儿童并犯有杀人罪。 28-year-old mother Lynda Lawson charged with homicide by child abuse in Greenville County, SC after 7-month-old son drowns in unattended bathtub. 最初对不安全的家居环境的指控导致在住宅内发现了跳蚤、蟑螂和非法麻醉品。 Initial charges for unsafe home conditions led to discovery of fleas, roaches, and illegal narcotics in the residence. 劳森的男友小罗伯特·布尔 (Robert Bull Jr.) 没有因孩子的死亡而受到指控,因为事发时他并不在场。 Lawson's boyfriend, Robert Bull Jr., was not charged in the child's death as he was not present during the incident.