据报道,一名 12 岁男孩在莫赫悬崖失踪;搜索工作暂停后恢复。 12-year-old boy reported missing at Cliffs of Moher; search resumed after suspension.
对莫赫悬崖失踪男孩的搜寻暂停一天,次日上午恢复陆地、空中和海上搜寻。 Search for young boy reported missing at Cliffs of Moher suspended for day, with land, air, and sea search resumed the next morning. 来自海外的家人来到爱尔兰旅游,发现男孩与他们走散后不见了踪影,于是报了警。 Family from overseas visiting Ireland raised the alarm when the boy was not found after separating from them. 爱尔兰海岸警卫队、驻香农的直升机以及阿伦群岛皇家救生艇协会救生艇协助搜救行动。 The Irish Coast Guard, Shannon-based helicopter, and Aran Islands RNLI lifeboat assisted in the search operation.