7 月 21 日,威斯康星州布法罗县,一名 41 岁的摩托车司机因在盲弯处穿越对面车道而与皮卡车迎头相撞,不幸身亡。 41-year-old motorcycle driver killed in head-on collision with pickup truck in Buffalo County, Wisconsin, due to crossing opposite lane at a blind curve on July 21.
威斯康星州布法罗县发生一起摩托车事故,导致一名41岁的摩托车司机死亡。 A motorcycle accident in Buffalo County, Wisconsin, resulted in the death of a 41-year-old motorcycle driver. 事故发生于 7 月 21 日,当时一名摩托车手在盲弯处行驶时越过对面车道,导致与一辆皮卡车迎头相撞。 The crash occurred on July 21, when the motorcyclist crossed into the opposite lane while navigating a blind curve, leading to a head-on collision with a pickup truck. 卡车司机没有受伤,事件仍在调查中。 The truck driver was uninjured, and the incident is still under investigation.