密歇根湖发生爆炸后,妇女托尼亚·洛根从燃烧的船中救出两名男子;两人均被送往医院接受治疗。 Woman Tonia Logan rescues two men from burning boat after explosion on Lake Michigan; both men taken to hospital for treatment.
密歇根湖沃基根港附近一艘船爆炸后,一位名叫托尼亚·洛根的妇女从一艘燃烧的船中救出了两名男子。 A woman named Tonia Logan rescued two men from a burning boat on Lake Michigan near Waukegan Harbor after a boat explosion. 洛根当时与七名 13 岁的孩子一起划船,她用手机拍下了爆炸的瞬间,拨打了 911,并让孩子们穿上救生衣,然后去救助受伤的男子。 Logan, boating with seven 13-year-olds, captured the explosion on her cellphone, called 911, and had the kids put on life jackets before assisting the injured men. 两名男子均被送往 Vista East 医疗中心接受治疗,预计将康复。 Both men were taken to Vista East Medical Center for treatment and are expected to recover. 莱克县警长办公室目前正在调查爆炸原因。 The Lake County Sheriff's Office is currently investigating the cause of the explosion.