第五巡回上诉法院以 9 比 7 的投票结果裁定,FCC 通过 USF 为农村和低收入宽带服务提供资金的方式违宪,将此问题发回 FCC 进一步审议。 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 9-7 that FCC's funding method for rural and low-income broadband services through USF is unconstitutional, sending the issue back to FCC for further consideration.
新奥尔良联邦上诉法院裁定,联邦通信委员会(FCC)通过普遍服务基金(USF)为农村和低收入用户提供电话和宽带服务的资金方式违宪。 A federal appeals court in New Orleans has ruled that the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) method of funding telephone and broadband services for rural and low-income users through the Universal Service Fund (USF) is unconstitutional. 第5位美国 The 5th U.S. 巡回上诉法院以 9 比 7 的投票结果做出了裁决,持不同意见的法官表示,该裁决与其他三个巡回法院的裁决相冲突。 Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 9-7, with dissenting judges stating it conflicts with three other circuit courts. 该裁决将此案发回联邦通信委员会进一步审议,并可能最终上诉至最高法院。 The ruling sends the matter back to the FCC for further consideration and may eventually be appealed to the Supreme Court.