澳大利亚联邦警察结束了对罗伯特债务计划皇家委员会虚假证词的调查,理由是证据不足。 Australian Federal Police concludes investigation into false testimony in Robodebt Scheme Royal Commission with insufficient evidence.
澳大利亚联邦警察(AFP)已完成对一名证人向皇家委员会调查罗博德债务案提供虚假证词的指控的调查。 The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has concluded its investigation into allegations a witness provided false testimony to the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme. 澳大利亚联邦警察无法找到足够的可采信证据来证明嫌疑人有意误导皇家委员会。 The AFP could not find sufficient admissible evidence to prove the alleged offender's intent to mislead the Royal Commission. 调查包括审查所有相关材料和文件。 The investigation included reviewing all relevant material and documents.