36 岁的英国皇家海军水手马库斯·高特利特因涉嫌窃取机密潜艇移动信息而面临调查。 36-year-old Royal Navy sailor Marcus Gauntlett faces investigation for allegedly stealing classified submarine movement information.
36 岁的英国皇家海军水兵马库斯·高特利特因涉嫌从英国核潜艇上窃取有关潜艇动向的机密信息而面临调查。 36-year-old Royal Navy sailor, Marcus Gauntlett, faces investigation for allegedly stealing classified information about submarine movements from a UK nuclear submarine. 戈特利特是“前卫”级潜艇的乘务员,他的手机中被发现有机密文件,因涉嫌违反《官方保密法》而被拘留。 Gauntlett, a steward on a Vanguard-class submarine, is being held on suspicion of breaching the Official Secrets Act after classified papers were found on his mobile phone. 据报道,这些文件包含有关潜艇动向的信息。 The papers reportedly contained information about submarine movements.