美国财政部长耶伦在巴西之行期间向 20 国集团财长发表讲话,讨论绿色能源、多边开发银行气候变化贷款以及债务减免等问题。 U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen addresses G20 finance leaders during her Brazil trip, discussing green energy, multilateral development bank lending for climate change, and debt relief.
在拜登退出竞选和国际社会对特朗普可能卷土重来的担忧的背景下,美国财政部长耶伦将面对20国集团财金领袖关于美国政策承诺的质询。 U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will face G20 finance leaders' questions on U.S. policy commitments amidst Biden's campaign exit and international concerns about a potential Trump return. 耶伦此次巴西之行是拜登政府内阁官员与国际同行的首次重要接触。 Yellen's Brazil trip is the first significant engagement of a Biden administration cabinet official with international counterparts.