周日,一名女子驾驶的奔驰 GLC 失去控制,撞上基尔科普机场围栏,造成 6 人受伤,其中包括 4 名儿童。 6 injured, including 4 children, in a car crash on Sunday when a woman lost control of her Mercedes Benz GLC, colliding with an airport perimeter barrier in Kirkop.
周日晚上,一名女子驾驶的奔驰 GLC 失去控制,撞上基尔科普机场围栏,造成 6 人受伤,其中包括 4 名儿童。 6 injured, including 4 children, in a car crash on Sunday evening when a woman lost control of her Mercedes Benz GLC, colliding with an airport perimeter barrier in Kirkop. 受害者年龄在 10 至 21 岁之间,被送往 Mater Dei 医院,其中 21 岁、15 岁和 10 岁的受害者伤势严重,其他人则受轻伤。 The victims, aged 10-21, were taken to Mater Dei Hospital; the 21, 15, and 10-year-olds suffered grievous injuries, while the others had slight injuries. 警方仍在进行调查。 Police investigations are ongoing.