30 岁的莱拉·邓拉普 (Layla Dunlap) 在疫情期间被解雇,由于拥有一项特殊技能,她没有学士学位但收入达到 12.5 万美元。 30-year-old Layla Dunlap, laid off during the pandemic, earns $125k without a bachelor's degree due to a specific skill.
30 岁的莱拉·邓拉普 (Layla Dunlap) 在疫情期间失去了酒店工作,但由于一项特殊技能,她现在没有学士学位,但收入却达到 12.5 万美元。 30-year-old, Layla Dunlap, was laid off from her hotel job during the pandemic but now earns $125k without a bachelor's degree due to a specific skill. 2020 年 6 月,酒店和餐馆纷纷关门,拥有工商管理副学士学位的邓拉普面临着不确定的就业前景。 In June 2020, hotels and restaurants shut down, and Dunlap, an associate's degree holder in business administration, faced an uncertain job future. 然而,她利用一项独特的技能来创造收入,证明了学位对于成功来说并不是必需的。 However, she leveraged a unique skill to generate income, proving that a degree is not essential for success.