清福德 Sewardstone 路发生车祸,造成 3 人受伤;LAS 救治了 3 人,并将 2 人送往重症创伤中心。 3 people injured in a crash on Sewardstone Road, Chingford; LAS treated 3, took 2 to major trauma centre.
清福德 Sewardstone 路发生车祸,造成 3 人受伤;伦敦救护服务中心 (LAS) 于早上 7 点 12 分赶到现场,对 3 人进行救治,并将 2 人送往大型创伤中心。 3 people injured in a crash on Sewardstone Road, Chingford; London Ambulance Service (LAS) attended the scene at 7:12am, treating 3 people and taking 2 to a major trauma centre. 伦敦的空中救护车和一名事故响应官员也被派往现场。 London's Air Ambulance and an incident response officer were also dispatched. 据英国汽车协会网站报道,事故发生于 7 月 21 日早上 6 点 52 分,导致该地区交通拥堵。 The crash occurred at 6:52am on July 21, according to the AA website, leading to slow traffic in the area.