摔跤偶像胡克·霍根在共和党全国代表大会上支持特朗普,称赞他是美国英雄并承诺他会取得胜利。 Wrestling icon Hulk Hogan endorsed Trump at RNC, praising him as an American hero and promising victory.
摔跤传奇人物胡克·霍根 (Hulk Hogan) 在共和党全国代表大会 (RNC) 上支持唐纳德·特朗普 (Donald Trump) 担任总统,并撕掉他的衬衫,露出了“特朗普-万斯”背心。 Wrestling legend Hulk Hogan endorsed Donald Trump for president at the Republican National Convention (RNC) and revealed a "Trump-Vance" tank top by ripping off his shirt. 霍根称赞特朗普是“美国英雄”,并声称在他的带领下,美国将“重新开始胜利”。 Hogan praised Trump as an "American hero" and claimed that with him, America would "start winning again." 在大会上,霍根还将特朗普的支持者称为“真正的美国人”,并称特朗普的生意“受到了损害”。 At the convention, Hogan also referred to Trump supporters as "real Americans" and called Trump's business "compromised."