前总统特朗普支持直言不讳的共和党批评者拉里·霍根竞选马里兰州参议员席位。 Former President Trump endorsed Larry Hogan, a vocal Republican critic, for the Maryland Senate seat.
前总统特朗普在接受福克斯新闻采访时支持直言不讳的共和党批评者拉里·霍根竞选马里兰州参议员席位。 Former President Trump endorsed Larry Hogan, a vocal Republican critic of Trump, for the Maryland Senate seat in an interview with Fox News. 特朗普表示,“我希望看到他获胜”并且“我们必须获得多数票”。 Trump stated, "I'd like to see him win" and "we got to take the majority." 霍根有望成为 40 多年来首位赢得马里兰州参议院席位的共和党人,这一支持将在这场竞争激烈的竞选中发挥重要作用。 This endorsement could prove significant in the closely contested race, with Hogan trying to become the first Republican to win a Senate seat in Maryland in over 40 years.