宝莱坞明星阿米塔布·巴克强在雨中为妻子贾雅撑起雨伞,解决孟买洪水问题。 Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan shares umbrella for wife Jaya in rain, addresses Mumbai flash floods.
阿米塔布·巴克强分享了一张温馨的照片,照片中他为妻子贾雅·巴克强在雨中一起行走时打着伞。 Amitabh Bachchan shared a heartwarming photo of himself holding an umbrella for his wife Jaya Bachchan as they walked together in the rain. 这张照片获得了粉丝和网友的好评,他们钦佩这对标志性夫妇。 The photo received praise from fans and netizens, who admired the iconic couple. 这位宝莱坞传奇人物还对孟买因强季风降雨而引发的洪水表示担忧,洪水扰乱了日常生活并对基础设施造成了严重破坏。 The Bollywood legend also expressed concern over the flash floods in Mumbai caused by heavy monsoon rains, which have disrupted daily life and caused significant damage to infrastructure.