20 岁的特朗普暗杀未遂嫌疑人托马斯·马修·克鲁克斯在宾夕法尼亚州的一场竞选集会上开枪后被特勤局击毙。 20-year-old Trump assassination attempt suspect, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was shot dead by Secret Service after opening fire at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.
20 岁的特朗普暗杀嫌疑人托马斯·马修·克鲁克斯 (Thomas Matthew Crooks) 此前曾因“枪法太差”而被高中射击俱乐部拒绝加入。 20-year-old Trump assassination attempt suspect, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was previously rejected from his high school shooting club for being a 'terrible shot'. 枪手在宾夕法尼亚州的一场竞选集会上向特朗普开枪后,被特勤局特工击毙。 The gunman was shot dead by Secret Service agents after opening fire on Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. 据克鲁克斯的同学说,他在学校经常被欺负,被排斥。 His school classmates reported that Crooks was often bullied and an outcast in school.