一名 30 岁男子在科罗拉多州阿肯色河进行私人漂流时,因从漂流管中掉出且心肺复苏失败而死亡。 A 30-year-old man died during a private tubing trip on the Arkansas River in Colorado after falling out of his tube and CPR attempts failed.
7 月 13 日,一名三十五六岁的男子在科罗拉多州弗里蒙特县阿肯色河私人漂流旅行中死亡。 A man in his mid-thirties died during a private tubing trip down the Arkansas River in Fremont County, Colorado, on July 13. 这群七人从波特兰附近的河里走散了,一名男子从游泳圈里掉进了水里。 The group of seven, who had entered the river near Portland, became separated, and the man fell out of his tube into the water. 附近钓鱼的旁观者开始进行心肺复苏,但复苏努力没有成功。 A bystander fishing nearby started CPR, but resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful. 该男子身上或附近没有找到个人漂浮装置。 Personal flotation devices were not found on the man or nearby.