南素里发现黑熊,促使公众警惕并由不列颠哥伦比亚省保护服务局进行监控。 Black bear spotted in South Surrey, prompting public alert and monitoring by BC Conservation Services.
周日,一只黑熊被发现在南素里游荡,社交媒体上报道了这一目击事件。 A black bear was spotted wandering through South Surrey on Sunday, with sightings reported on social media. 当克里·麦克休 (Kerrie McHugh) 正在自家前院时,她看到这只看起来很健康的熊正在过马路。 Kerrie McHugh was in her front yard when she saw the healthy-looking bear crossing the street. 素里皇家骑警已向公众通报这一发现,并要求人们保持距离,因为野生动物可能很危险。 The Surrey RCMP has alerted the public to the sighting and requested that people maintain distance, as wild animals can be dangerous.