兰开斯特县利蒂茨的水管破裂导致水压低、街道封闭,并发出煮沸水警告。 Water main break in Lititz, Lancaster County causes low pressure, street closure, and boil water advisory.
兰开斯特县利蒂茨的自来水总管破裂,导致水压低或居民无法使用,并导致 Broad 街和 Cedar 街之间的东大街暂时关闭。 A water main break in Lititz, Lancaster County resulted in low water pressure or no service for residents and a temporary closure of East Main Street between Broad and Cedar streets. 利蒂茨自治市公共工程部正在进行修复工作,但尚未提供街道重新开放的最新时间表。 The Lititz Borough Public Works is working on repairs but has not yet provided an updated time frame for street reopening. 由于潜在的污染风险,受影响地区已发布了煮沸水警告。 A boil water advisory has been issued in the affected area due to potential contamination risk.