Lancaster的King Street在Mulberry关闭,因为主要断水;没有给出重新开放的时间表。 Lancaster's King Street closed at Mulberry due to a water main break; no reopening timeline given.
兰开斯特的主要断水导致Mulberry街的King Street暂时关闭。 A water main break in Lancaster has led to the temporary closure of King Street at Mulberry Street. 该市正在修理,但没有提供重新开放的时间表。 The city is working on repairs, but no timeline for reopening has been provided. 当局建议驾驶者使用替代路线。 Authorities advise drivers to use alternative routes. 这起事件与最近其他关于月球新年促销、洛杉矶县火灾疏散以及格鲁吉亚使用火焰喷射器清除冰层的新闻报道无关。 This incident is unrelated to other recent news stories about Lunar New Year promotions, a fire evacuation in LA County, and a flamethrower being used to clear ice in Georgia.