事故发生两年后,颈部插着钢针、头部活动受限的荷兰赛艇运动员马洛斯·奥尔登堡获得了巴黎奥运会的参赛资格。 2-year post-crash, Dutch rower Marloes Oldenburg, with pins in her neck and limited head mobility, qualified for the Paris Olympics.
荷兰赛艇运动员马洛斯·奥尔登堡 (Marloes Oldenburg) 在一次差点丧命的自行车事故两年后克服困难,获得了参加巴黎奥运会的资格。 2-years after a near-death bicycle crash, Dutch rower Marloes Oldenburg overcame the odds and qualified for the Paris Olympics. 由于她的背部多处骨折,医生最初怀疑她是否能存活下来或能否再次行走。 Doctors initially questioned if she'd survive or walk again after her back was broken in multiple places. 现在,尽管颈部插着钢针,头部活动受限,奥尔登堡仍然珍惜生命的第二次机会,并立志在最高水平的比赛中获胜。 Now, with pins in her neck and limited head mobility, Oldenburg appreciates her second chance at life and aims to compete at the highest level.