首席大法官 DY Chandrachud 敦促使用印地语等地区语言教授法律,并翻译最高法院的判决,以便让更多人能够理解。 Chief Justice DY Chandrachud urges teaching law in regional languages like Hindi and translating Supreme Court decisions for wider accessibility.
印度首席大法官 DY Chandrachud 强调需要使用印地语等地方语言教授法律,以帮助弱势群体轻松理解法律问题并实现自力更生。 Chief Justice of India, DY Chandrachud, has stressed the need for teaching law in regional languages such as Hindi to help underprivileged understand legal matters easily and become self-reliant. 他建议大学应该教授与地区问题相关的法律,并开设印地语的法学学士学位课程。 He suggested that universities should teach laws related to regional issues and start an LLB course in Hindi. 钱德拉楚德还呼吁将最高法院的判决翻译成多种语言,以增加其可读性。 Chandrachud also called for Supreme Court decisions to be translated into various languages for increased accessibility.