由于州政府的拖延,加利福尼亚州的《圣盖博谷论坛报》将发布删节版的戒毒中心死亡报告。 California's San Gabriel Valley Tribune to publish redacted addiction center death reports due to state delays.
由于加州不断推迟发布戒毒中心报告,加州《圣盖博谷论坛报》即将发布该报告。 California's San Gabriel Valley Tribune is set to publish addiction center reports due to continued delays in their release by the state. 据《论坛报》报道,该报 7 月份从负责许可成瘾治疗中心的州机构获取了 56 份经过大量删减的死亡报告。 The Tribune reports it retrieved 56 heavily redacted death reports from the state agency that licenses addiction treatment centers in July. 该出版物决定自行处理此事,理由是行业需要透明度和加强监管。 The publication has decided to take matters into their own hands, citing the need for transparency and more regulation within the industry.