苹果公司向包括印度在内的 98 个国家的 iPhone 用户发出警告,称可能遭受雇佣间谍软件的攻击,并建议他们立即采取行动。 Apple warns iPhone users in 98 countries, including India, of potential mercenary spyware attacks and advises immediate actions.
苹果公司已向包括印度在内的 98 个国家的 iPhone 用户发出警告,称他们的设备可能遭受“雇佣间谍软件攻击”。 Apple has warned iPhone users in 98 countries, including India, of potential "mercenary spyware attacks" targeting their devices. 这是 2024 年第二次此类通知活动,第一次通知于 4 月发送给 92 个国家的用户。 This is the second such notification campaign in 2024, with the first one sent to users in 92 nations in April. 苹果建议受影响的用户立即采取措施保护他们的设备和账户,包括更新他们的 iPhone、更改他们的 Apple ID 密码、检查最近的应用程序安装以及将数据备份到安全位置。 Apple advises affected users to take immediate action to secure their devices and accounts, including updating their iPhones, changing their Apple ID passwords, reviewing recent app installations, and backing up data to a secure location.