全球 iPhone 用户面临“最先进的数字威胁”的警告。 iPhone users warned worldwide of ‘most advanced digital threats’.
据报道,在印度政府施压,要求当局否认对政治领袖、记者和活动人士实施黑客攻击后,苹果公司在发给受影响客户的电子邮件警报中以及在其网站上将措辞从“受国家支持的袭击者”改为“雇佣兵”黑客。 Apple alters its language from "state-backed attackers" to "mercenary" hackers in email alerts to affected customers and on its website, following reports of pressure from the Indian government to give authorities deniability for hacking attempts on political leaders, journalists, and activists. 这家科技巨头正准备通知印度和其他 91 个国家可能成为雇佣间谍软件攻击目标的 iPhone 用户,并提供帮助和威胁通知。 The tech giant is preparing to notify iPhone users in India and 91 other countries who may have been targeted by a mercenary spyware attack, offering assistance and threat notifications. 苹果的警告系统于 2021 年 11 月实施,旨在向用户发出警报,提醒他们公司检测到的国家支持的间谍软件攻击。 Apple's warning system was implemented in November 2021, aiming to alert users about state-sponsored spyware attacks the company detects.