在印度善待动物组织的协助下,安得拉邦警方对一名在病毒式舞蹈表演中咬伤母鸡头的表演者立案调查;根据《印度刑法典》第 1860 条和《预防犯罪法》第 1960 条提出指控。 Andhra Pradesh police register case against performer for biting hen's head in viral dance performance, with PETA India assistance; charges under IPC 1860 and PCA Act 1960.
安得拉邦警方已对一名在舞蹈表演中咬掉母鸡头的表演者立案调查,该事件在社交媒体上疯传。 Andhra Pradesh police have registered a case against a performer who bit off a hen's head during a dance performance, which went viral on social media. 印度善待动物组织协助其根据 1860 年《印度刑法典》(IPC)和 1960 年《防止虐待动物法》(PCA)注册了一份初步信息报告(FIR)。 PETA India assisted in registering a First Information Report (FIR) under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) 1860 and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act 1960. 表演者和组织者因这一野蛮行为将依据相关条款受到指控。 The performer and organizers are charged under relevant sections for the barbaric act.