87 岁的安·伯吉斯是犯罪侧写和强奸受害者研究领域的先驱,她启发了 Hulu 制作《主谋:像杀手一样思考》。 87-year-old Ann Burgess, pioneer in criminal profiling and rape victimology, inspired Hulu's 'Mastermind: To Think Like a Killer'.
87 岁的安·伯吉斯是 Hulu 制作《主谋:像杀手一样思考》的灵感来源,她作为犯罪侧写和强奸受害者研究的先驱,彻底改变了打击犯罪的方法。 87-year-old Ann Burgess, who inspired Hulu's 'Mastermind: To Think Like a Killer,' revolutionized crime-fighting methods as a pioneer in criminal profiling and rape victimology. 她的策略侧重于了解受害者和犯罪者的心理,至今仍在使用。 Her tactics, which focused on understanding the psyche of victims and perpetrators, are still used today. Hulu 纪录片系列分享了她的故事,强调了她的坚韧、同情心和开创性的工作,这些都为解决美国最臭名昭著的真实犯罪案件做出了贡献。 The Hulu docuseries shares her story, highlighting her tenacity, compassion, and groundbreaking work that contributed to solving America's most notorious true-crime cases.