纽约的滨鸟攻击监视海滩的无人机,迫使其调整飞行计划。 Shorebirds in NYC attack drones monitoring beaches, prompting flight plan adjustments.
纽约市愤怒的滨鸟一直在攻击在海滩上巡逻寻找鲨鱼和挣扎的游泳者踪迹的无人机,促使市政机构调整飞行计划。 Angry shorebirds in New York City have been attacking drones patrolling beaches for signs of sharks and struggling swimmers, prompting city agencies to adjust their flight plans. 自五月以来,成群的鸟儿多次涌向这些装置,引起野生动物专家的担忧,他们担心这会对沿海筑巢的濒危物种造成影响。 Flocks of birds have repeatedly swarmed the devices since May, fueling concern from wildlife experts about the impact on threatened species nesting along the coast. 无人机尚未进行任何救援行动。 The drones have yet to conduct any rescues.