天文学家在距离地球 18,000 光年的半人马座欧米茄星团中发现了一个中等大小、质量为 20,000 个太阳质量的黑洞。 Astronomers discovered an intermediate-sized, 20,000-solar-mass black hole in the Omega Centauri star cluster, 18,000 light years from Earth.
天文学家在半人马座欧米茄星团内发现了一个黑洞,距离地球 18,000 光年。 Astronomers have discovered a black hole within the Omega Centauri star cluster, located 18,000 light years from Earth. 该黑洞的质量估计是太阳的 20,000 倍,属于中等大小,被认为是银河系吸收的一个较小星系的残余。 The black hole, estimated to be 20,000 times more massive than our Sun, is considered intermediate-sized and is believed to be a remnant of a smaller galaxy absorbed by the Milky Way.