欧洲航天局的天文学家发现了质量最大的恒星黑洞。 European Space Agency astronomers discovered the most massive stellar black hole.
欧洲航天局(ESA)的天文学家在银河系中发现了最大的恒星黑洞,名为盖亚BH3,其质量是太阳的33倍。 Astronomers at the European Space Agency (ESA) discovered the biggest stellar black hole, named Gaia BH3, in the Milky Way galaxy with a mass 33 times that of the Sun. 这个黑洞是在欧洲航天局盖亚任务收集数据时发现的,它导致围绕它运行的伴星出现奇怪的“摆动”运动。 This black hole was found during data collection from ESA's Gaia mission and causes an odd 'wobbling' motion on the companion star orbiting it. 它位于天鹰座,距离地球 2,000 光年,是已知距离地球第二近的黑洞。 Located 2,000 light-years away in the constellation Aquila, it is the second-closest known black hole to Earth. Gaia BH3 是迄今为止我们银河系中发现的质量最大的恒星黑洞。 Gaia BH3 is the most massive stellar black hole found in our galaxy so far.