安大略省警察呼吁夏季驾驶时谨慎驾驶,增加交通和安全提示,包括骑车人通过距离、戴头盔和使用安全带。 Ontario Provincial Police urge caution during summer driving with increased traffic and safety tips including cyclist passing distance, helmet use, and seat belt usage.
安大略省警察局 (OPP) 提醒驾驶员在夏季开车时要小心谨慎,因为由于学校假期和人们出行,交通量会增加。 The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) remind motorists to be cautious during summer driving, with increased traffic due to school holidays and people traveling. 他们建议司机在超越骑车人时要留出 1 米/3 英尺的空间,并在路上保持耐心。 They advise drivers to provide 1 meter/3 feet of space when passing cyclists and to exercise patience on the roads. 安全提示包括骑自行车和全地形车时戴头盔、进行水上活动时携带救生衣以及确保驾驶时系好安全带。 Safety tips include wearing helmets on bikes and ATVs, bringing life jackets for water activities, and ensuring seat belts are used when driving.