塔斯马尼亚警方警告年轻驾驶员坠机风险较高, 关注节日期间“致命五人”的危险。 Tasmanian police warn young drivers of higher crash risks, focusing on "fatal five" dangers during holidays.
塔斯马尼亚警方警告年轻驾驶员,尤其是持P牌的驾驶员,在驾驶前6至12个月中,撞车风险较高。 Tasmanian police warn young drivers, especially those with P-plates, about the higher risk of crashes in their first six to twelve months of driving. 当局敦促家人和朋友帮助规划安全旅程, 并强调「致命五人」的风险因素:超速、分散注意力、疲劳、驾驶不便、不系安全带。 Authorities urge family and friends to help plan safe journeys and highlight the "fatal five" risk factors: speeding, distraction, fatigue, impaired driving, and not wearing seatbelts. " 安全抵达行动 " 运动的目标是在节日期间保护所有驾驶员的安全。 The Operation Safe Arrival campaign aims to keep all drivers safe during the holiday season.