佛罗里达东海岸的低压系统有 10% 的可能性发展成为热带气旋,这将增加东海岸降雨和风暴的可能性。 Low-pressure system off Florida's east coast has a 10% chance of tropical development, increasing east coast rain and storm chances.
美国国家飓风中心正在监测佛罗里达东海岸的一个低压系统,该系统有 10% 的可能性发展成为热带气旋。 The National Hurricane Center is monitoring a low-pressure system off Florida's east coast with a 10% chance of tropical development. 在周末该系统移至美国东南部内陆之前,条件略有利于进一步发展。 Conditions are marginally favorable for additional development before the system moves inland over the Southeast U.S. by the weekend. 预计本周剩余时间该系统将增加佛罗里达州东海岸的降雨和风暴概率。 This system is expected to increase rain and storm chances for the east coast of Florida through the rest of the week.